In this article, our pharmacist discusses the product Emuaid, whether it is effective and how safe it is.
What Is Emuaid Used For & Is It Safe?
In this article, our pharmacist discusses the product Emuaid, whether it is effective and how safe it is.
Sid asked
Will the product Emuaid help with pressure sores? How can it be harmful?
Emuaid contains several ingredients that could be beneficial for preventing infections resulting from bedsores as well as providing moisturizing relief.
Here is the drug facts label from Emuaid:
Let's look first at the sole 'active ingredient': Argentum metallicum. Argentum metallicum is also known as colloidal silver, which has a good deal of controversy surrounding it. The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) has been trying to get colloidal silver products off the market for years and has not designated these products as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). You may find a health bulletin published by the FDA here:
While silver has a long history and large body of evidence touting its antimicrobial activity, the concern mostly revolves around consumption or use of silver products for extended periods (especially oral products). Silver accumulates in the body and organs and long term use has caused argyria in users. Argyria is an accumulation of silver in the skin which causes a PERMANENT bluish-gray color.
Having said that, there are various manufacturing methods of silver products that make those dangers almost non-existent. In fact, there is a good deal of controversy regarding just how much silver the body absorbs when taking non-excessive amounts.
Most supplemental forms have very minute amounts of silver and topical silver products are not well absorbed into the blood stream from the skin. Due to this, short term use of topical colloidal silver products are most likely safe. Searches of the FDA database on adverse events related to Emuaid yields no results.
One of the most popular colloidal silver products is actually a prescription, Silvadene (Silver sulfadiazene), so it is available as a prescribed drug. Silvadene inhibits the growth of nearly all bacteria and fungi. It is typically recommended on burns and minor wounds. It it often not recommended on deep wounds due to concerns with high absorption.
We found one study in regard to Emuaid and it's efficacy as an anti-fungal/anti-bacterial: Study Link. It performed very well.
Emuaid also contains various other anti-infectives and moisturizers including Bacillus Ferment, Emu Oil, Caster Oil etc...
In summary, Emuaid contains silver, which does have good evidence for inhibiting bacterial and fungal growth. Used topically for short periods of time, it is most likely safe as long as it is not used on deep wounds. There are no adverse events registered with the FDA. If you have concerns, speak with your doctor regarding your desire to use Emuaid.
Dr. Brian Staiger is a licensed pharmacist in New York State and the founder of the Q+A website He graduated from the University At Buffalo with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2010.
He has been featured in numerous publications including the Huffington Post as well as a variety of health and pharmacy-related blogs.
Please feel free to reach out to him directly if you have any inquiries or want to connect! He's answered thousands of medication and pharmacy-related questions and he's ready to answer yours!