Backed by a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Fast Acting - Get noticeable improvement in your scabies symptoms within 24 hours. Backed by a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
Effective - EMUAID® reduces pain, itching and inflammation and eliminates 99.99% of bacteria in less than 1 minute1.
Safe and Natural - Made in an FDA-registered homeopathic medicine facility from natural healing ingredients.
1Kmieck, P. J. 2015. Modified Time Kill Study – Emuaid. No. 27181. Kappa Laboratories.
Do You Suffer from Scabies?
Scabies symptoms can be difficult to treat.
Scabies causes severe itching that is usually worse at night and a rash with tiny blisters or sores. Scabies is a health condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. Scabies symptoms can be both hard to eliminate and embarrassing.
Sound familiar?
Perhaps you've tried everything to try to eliminate your scabies outbreak.
Can EMUAID® Help Relieve Scabies Naturally?
Yes! Before we show you how EMUAID® works, there's something you must know.
Your skin is a barrier designed to keep bacteria and infections out. Most medications cannot penetrate deep into the skin to efficiently deliver the active ingredients to where they are needed the most.
No matter how effective the medication is, there's no use if it can't penetrate the skin’s barrier to treat your your Scabies.
EMUAID® is specially designed to penetrate skin. It has a unique delivery system that helps carry powerful healing ingredients deep into your skin.
How EMUAID® Works to Eliminate the Symptoms of Your Scabies
- Immediately upon application, EMUAID® ointment penetrates your skin and eliminates bacteria and fungi that cause infection and irritation in distressed skin.
- Our strong healing ingredients begin to calm inflammation and relieve itching, pain and discomfort immediately.*
- Powerful natural ingredients, rare growth factor stimulators and skin-mimicking lipids work synergistically with oxygen boosters to stimulate blood flow to rapidly promote skin repair and act as a prevention measure for future flare ups.
Difference #1: Scientifically Proven to Work
EMUAID® First Aid Ointment is proven to have 99% efficacy approval rating.
EMUAID® First Aid Ointment is recommended both by physicians and customers worldwide. Additionally, EMUAID® First Aid Ointment is non-steroidal, has NO reported side effects, and does not conflict with other medications.
In a Time Kill Study conducted by a third party, independent laboratory, test results proved that EMUAID® kills Bacteria, Yeast and Mold on contact and eliminates 99.99% of bacteria in less than 1 minute.1
Difference #2: Penetrates Deep into the Skin
Unlike most treatments, EMUAID® is specially designed to penetrate your skin. It has a unique delivery system that helps carry powerful healing ingredients deep into your skin.
Difference #3: Made from Natural Ingredients
We use only the highest quality ingredients that are available without a prescription to make EMUAID®.
EMUAID® contains an advanced blend of concentrated medical grade ingredients, including 10x, 20x, 30x HPUS Argentum Metallicum (Colloidal Silver – active ingredient), Emu Oil, Bacillus Ferment, L-Lysine HCL, Tea Tree Oil, Phytosphingosine, and Ceramide 3.
Our active ingredient contributes broad spectrum healing properties in our unique formula. EMUAID® First Aid Ointment does not contain chemicals, artificial preservatives, lanolin, alcohol, parabens, steroids, petrochemicals, or fragrance.
Difference #4: Safe for All Ages
Despite being a powerful and fast-acting healing compound, EMUAID® First Aid Ointment is safe for use anywhere on the body by any age group, including infants.
Difference #5: Effective for Many Different Skin Conditions
EMUAID® First Aid Ointment is a natural, soothing, and effective ointment for many itchy and painful skin conditions, such as psoriasis, hemorrhoids, and poison ivy. It calms pain, infection and inflammation for a variety of these conditions that are resistant and difficult to treat. As an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal ointment, EMUAID® targets dangerous pathogens and microbes on contact. As a First Aid Ointment, EMUAID® provides symptomatic relief to minor wounds and burns, bruises, ulcerations, sunburn, razor burn, scrapes, rashes, blisters, bug bites and skin eruptions from acne, eczema or minor infection.
One jar treats over 100 conditions.
Difference #6: Doctor Recommended
EMUAID® is recommended by doctors to treat many skin conditions.
Watch the video below to find out more.
“I use the EMUAID® products in my practice and recommend them to my patients for treating many different skin conditions, including eczema.”
-Dr. Roopa Chari, MD
Board Certified Internal Medicine
Difference #7: Backed by 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
We're confident that EMUAID® will work for your Scabies. Most customers see a noticeable improvement in less than 24 hours. Once applied, EMUAID® starts to work to improve your symptoms immediately.
If you're not satisfied with your purchase, just let us know within 30 days of your initial purchase, and we'll give you back your money. No questions asked.
Praise for EMUAID® from Satisfied Customers

We are very thankful for the early arrival of your fine product. My sister, in less than 24 hours, is now completely Pain free. Very, very grateful,*

Mr. Nicolo THANK YOU for healing my terrible suffering. SCABIES and HEAD LICE double whammy. CLEAN wealthy gal hiking with my dogs we kept re infesting each other. After 48 hours ALL IS WELL AND I CAN SMILE AGAIN. 38 DAYS OF PRESCRIPTIONS SOME LETHAL YOUR PRODUCT IS THE ONLY ONE THAT WORKED. NC IS SMILING ON YOU. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!*

I just want to mention your product.It has changed my life! After 33 years of itch it has almost gone!*

I use Emuaid for my skin condition that causes constant itching. Since using Emuaid the itching is completely gone. It’s a great product!*

I am so glad I found this cream to help my husband, in one week I could see a big different. Today we had a Doctor appoinment , she was so surprise how it got better, she took me to the computer to show me the picture from last week and now what a different, I just have to tell her about your cream, she said , she never heard about this cream. I strongly recomend r*

Dear Emuaid, Love your product. There are five people in my house including my grandson that is 2 years old. Are thankful for this amazing product. We became effected with micro bites and it was horrible. Cleaning and washing clothes was a night mare . Couldn’t sleep of all the bites and itching. We try soaps it was working but our skin was getting very dry . So dry that we had it all over again. My son started searching online and found EMUAID!! He read the reviews and the natural ingredients which I like dealing with than chemicals. Cause we already had severe skin damage. We started Emuaidmax and Emuaid soap and quickly in 24 hours we all felt a huge difference. The redness went away and the skin was healing in the 3rd day. When I feel a bite I apply it and its gone in minutes. Wow, love it. Even my 2 years old grandson said it was powerful stuff. He was a happy camper after Emuaid. We, house hold of 5, Thanks you. I’m ordering more cause it also healed eczema for my husband, son and grandson. Again THANK YOU*
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It is the only meds that i have ever found that totally works. the shopping exp, was awesome thanks*

This stuff is so good. I got the extra strength this time. I am assured that it will work as well or better. Nothing I have tried before worked until I discovered this product. It’s a miracle in a jar.*

Scabies Ointment*

Amazing Emuaid Cream I was amazed how my skin cleared up, this product emuaid is legit, I still have signs of redness but big differece from the start of tnr scabies, this product works well.*

THIS really helps with the scabies attack The solution for me!*

I Don’t Know What I Would Have Done Without This Cream My family and I contracted a bird mite infestation about six months ago from the removal of some bird nests that were inside our attic. I had never heard of bird mites attacking humans, but now know that they do. Our doctors thought we were crazy. It seamed like no one could help us. It took three weeks but our mite problems are now over. I noticed after the first night of being able to get some sleep, that we were actually seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We hired an exterminator who tented the house while we vacated it, and underwent treatment while we stayed in our motor home. Until you go through this you will never understand the misery and hopelessness that you feel. Thank you for helping us get our life back.*

The Long, Frustrating Nightmare is Over! Halfway through my flight back to the US after my two week vacation, I felt a stinging on my stomach. I lifted up my shirt- and there was nothing there! Again, I felt a stinging somewhere else on my stomach and I checked again. Little red bumps that looked like flea bites started to appear. The people sitting in the seats in front of me must have thought I was nuts, watching me pull my shirt up as fast as I could and stare at my stomach. I spent the rest of the flight jumping in discomfort every time whatever it was would bite me. This went on for a week, and I finally gave in and got emuaid.. There were so many other things that I would have rather spent the money on, but realistically I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy any of those things while scratching and itching my brains out. I was very skeptical, but it was better than doing nothing. I also didn’t want to waste money buying other treatments that didn’t work. The bumps stopped multiplying. I didn’t know it right then, but I had killed all of the bugs! The itching continued for a week or two, which I read is what happens since the little dead bugs stay inside the skin and irritate it. Three days later I noticed a big difference in the bumps. They started to fade away, and when I would scratch them, it wouldn’t make me itch even worse like it did before. It’s been five weeks now, and you would have to look really hard to try and find an ugly scabies bite on me. They have all just about disappeared. That emuaid Cream is the only stuff I would ever use to get rid of scabies if I ever get it again. After I had it, my dad caught it (he used the cream right away before they spread to his entire body) and my mom caught it (she kept ‘forgetting’ to use the cream- I guess she likes to itch uncontrollably). One of the things I also found out is that scabies die after three days without a human host. That is great because we have two houses, and I really didn’t feel like cleaning both of them. We just stayed at one house for three days, then the other for another three days. All the scabies in the bed sheets, clothing, couches, etc. would die and we’d come home to a scabies-free environment. So yes, this stuff actually works, yes, I believe that the money was well worth it, and yes, these reviews are actually true! I am back to my old self again.. THANK YOU emuaid!!*

Worked after nothing else did! Hello everyone, I felt like I needed to share my store to help out other folks and ease their minds about the harness and frustration of scabies. Firstly, I got scabies from a hostel in Italy while I was backpacking around Europe. I 100% recommend Emuaid to anyone fighting scabies. As you know by having them, they are frustrating, embarrassing, demotivating and downright terrible. But these scabies products helped change my life, I’m feeling confident and energetic, and it’s great to see the progression of getting better. So, if you’re dealing with this nasty infestation, DO NOT hesitate to buy this pack, it will help you out so much and stop this horrible nightmare! It’s only been 3.5 days, but feel so much better and over 99% of the bumps and bits are gone or going away. I hope this helped, I know I caught myself reading the reviews over and over hoping to get the same results, but trust these products, and trust me…It really does work. Thanks for your time and good luck. Cheers*

The Nighmare Finally ends My family and I tried multiple treatments of other creams.. They would go away temporarily and then eventually come back. It was so frustrating. Just about at my wits end, I stumbled onto this site searching for homeopathic treatments. I purchased, and used it as recommended. Within a couple of days, the symptoms eased, and within a week, I had no new spots. I stopped using it, and a few new spots popped up a couple of days later. I restarted treatment, and after the 2nd treatment, they were completely gone. It’s been over a month, and we’re still all symptom free! If you have tried multiple treatments and are still struggling, I would highly recommend trying this. Some people don’t like the smell, but it really didn’t bother me. Frankly, I would have put up with just about anything to get rid of these darn things! If you’re searching, best of luck to you. I know how frustrating it can be trying to get rid of them!*

Lifesaver Product If you are reading this i know exactly how you felt. I have been “trying” to get rid of these nasty things for over two months with no success with permethrin and countless other products. It has been a week since i started this regimen and i am FINALLY sleeping and getting back to a normal existence. If you are serious about getting rid of your scabies don’t think twice about this product!*

Again, thank you!!! I can’t tell you how happy we are with the emuaid products. We used other creams for weeks with NO RESULTS!! Within the first use of the soaps and creams we started to be able to get some sleep. These things eat you alive at NIGHT!!*


Your treatment protocol just plain works! If your wanting to treat scabbies! THIS IS IT!!!!! NOT BUTS AND IF”S TRY IT AND YOU WON”T REGRET IT! THE PRICE MIGHT SEEM HIGH BUT TRUST ME THE RELIEF IS INSTANT AND THE EMBARRASSMENT STOPS!! this product works miracles and I’m someone that doesn’t believe in them! lol until I bought this product! (I got scabbies when I was locked up in jail for some time)*

I can’t believe how well this works when my doctors did not believe me. Their creams did not do the job and I was reinfected many times.*

Product really works! Effective*

Hi, I wanted to tell you my scabies story. First, I and my son started itching like crazy, and getting these raised red bumps on us. We tried treating it with over the counter medicines and nothing worked to get rid of it. Then we went to the dermatologist and they took a scrape sample off of us. They told us we had scabies mites in us (I was horrified!) they prescribed a cream. I started looking this up on the internet and found out that it was a poison pesticide. I called the doctor and they said that it was the only thing that worked for scabies. Then I started doing my own research and came across your product that has no pesticide in it. I ordered it and received it very quickly. (I like that, because if you have scabies you want them off of you as fast as possible). We applied the treatment and Within 3 days our scabies had been treated and 5 days later we treated again and are now scabies free, thank God!* Thank you so much for changing our life. I have heard horror stories of not being able to get rid of these buggers!!*
Get EMUAID® and Stop Scabies Now
EMUAID® for Scabies is Available in 2 Convenient Sizes:
Purchase a 2oz. EMUAID® & Receive
10% Off
Therapeutic Moisture Bar
Regular Price $74.90
Purchase a 2oz. EMUAIDMAX® & Receive
10% Off
Therapeutic Moisture Bar
Regular Price $85.90
Purchase a 2oz. EMUAID® & Receive
10% Off
Therapeutic Moisture Bar
Regular Price $74.90
NOW ONLY $72.70
Purchase a 2oz. EMUAIDMAX® & Receive
10% Off
Therapeutic Moisture Bar
Regular Price $85.90
NOW ONLY $83.70
Backed by a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
We're confident that EMUAID® will work for your Scabies. Most customers see a noticeable improvement in less than 24 hours. Once applied, EMUAID® starts to work to eliminate your symptoms immediately.
If you're not satisfied with your purchase, just let us know within 30 days of your initial purchase, and we'll give you back your money. No questions asked.
As seen In
Scabies Treatment, Causes, and Symptoms
What is Scabies
Scabies is a health condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. Have you heard the saying, “Night, night, don’t let the bedbugs bite?” Now you know where it comes from. The resultant itching comes from an allergic reaction to the mite as it burrows into your skin. Scabies can affect people of all ages and from all incomes and social levels. You can get scabies as a poor child or a rich adult. Even people who keep themselves very clean can get scabies. Scabies spread by close contact with someone who has already been infected with scabies. Scabies can also be spread by sharing towels, bedding, and other personal belongings. Scabies often affect several family members at the same time. It rarely stays with just one person. The disease can be spread to another person even before the carrier manifests any symptoms.
EMUAID® is a groundbreaking, scientifically-based, modern homeopathic topical ointment engineered with natural healing ingredients and rare growth factor stimulators that work synergistically to soothe irritation, calm inflammation and safely fight the infection to kill the bacteria that produces your symptoms. It can also be used for possible prevention too. It truly is one of the best resources for infectious diseases and other problems. Many customers report noticeable improvement and relief within 48 hours, hence why they use it as a Scabies treatment option. EMUAID® is backed by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
What are the Symptoms
Scabies causes severe itching that is usually worse at night and a rash with tiny blisters or sores. Small children and older adults tend to have the worst itching. Children typically have worse skin reactions. The first time you were infected with scabies, it may be several weeks before you have itching and skin sores. But if you have had it before, symptoms will likely start within a few days. If you get several scaly and crusted sores, you may have a very rare but extremely contagious form of scabies known as crusted scabies or Norwegian scabies.
Treatment of Scabies
Special creams, lotions or scabies ointments prescribed by a doctor may help your infection. Occasionally, your doctor may also prescribe pills. Other approved topical ointments can also be useful in treating the symptoms of scabies infections.
EMUAID® is a groundbreaking, scientifically-based, modern homeopathic topical ointment engineered with natural healing ingredients and rare growth factor stimulators that work synergistically to soothe irritation, calm inflammation and safely fight the infection to kill the bacteria that produces your symptoms. It can also be used for possible prevention too. It truly is one of the best resources for infectious diseases and other problems. Many customers report noticeable improvement and relief within 48 hours, hence why they use it as a Scabies treatment option. EMUAID® is backed by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal(1)
In a Time Kill Study conducted by a third party, independent laboratory, test results proved that EMUAID® is great for your health because it kills Bacteria, Yeast and Mold on contact and eliminates 99.99% of bacteria in less than 1 minute making your skin unsafe for these pathogens to grow.1
Calms Inflammation, Itching, Pain & Discomfort*
The soothing homeopathic ingredients in EMUAID® Ointment provides relief on contact to calm inflammation and relieve itching, pain and discomfort.* Each of the ingredients in EMUAID® was selected based upon having long histories and clinical support of providing outstanding benefits in skin therapy.
Aids Damaged Skin & Prevents Scarring
Any time the skin is damaged by a severe rash or disruption, there is a potential for scarring or permanent blemish. EMUAID® stimulates blood flow to rapidly promote the growth of new healthy skin cells and prevent scar tissue from forming. It also creates an occlusive barrier that prevents excess moisture from building on the recovering skin tissue.
Safe & Painless - With No Side Effects
Unlike other leading products and medications, EMUAID® has no irritating chemicals or reported side effects. It contains natural ingredients and can be used safely by the entire family. EMUAID® is unsurpassed in its simplicity and power.
What is Scabies?
Scabies is a type of skin infestation by a mite that burrows into your skin and lays eggs. It if goes untreated, these mites can actually live in your skin for months and cause the symptoms to get much worse. They reproduce on top of the skin and then burrow in so they can lay eggs. It’s extremely itchy and contagious, so it’s important to try and start treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms.
How Do You Get Scabies?
The main way someone gets scabies is by having long and direct contact with someone who already has them. This means that something quick like a handshake or hug won’t usually do anything. Most of the time, people in the same household or sexual partners are the ones that contract the mite. The other way is by coming into contact with an object that has the mites on it, like a pillow or sheet. Sleeping on the object will cause the mites to get on you.
What are Scabies?
Scabies is a skin condition that is caused by mites burrowing into your skin. The mites are called sarcoptes scabiei. They reproduce on top of your skin, then burrow in to lay their eggs. These mites can be found in pretty much any part of the country and it’s not just people that can catch them. There are a few different ways to get rid of them, including at the doctor and at home.
What Does Scabies Look Like?
The biggest physical symptom of scabies is a rash. Many times, it looks like a bunch of blisters or pimples. They are usually pink with a clear top and are filled with fluid. Sometimes you’ll see the bites in a row, but you might also see the blisters along with gray lines on your skin. Keep in mind, scabies can attack any part of your body, but the most common areas are around the hands and feet.
How to Get Rid of Scabies?
Besides going to a doctor to get treated, there are a few things you can do naturally at home to help stop the infestation. The first is to wash all of your clothes and linen in hot water. Try to get the water as hot as possible because it’ll help kill the mites. The other ways to stop the infestation on your body is to try a few different types of oil, some of which are: tea tree, aloe vera and vinegar.
What Causes Scabies?
Scabies is caused by a parasitic mite called sarcoptes scabiei. The 2 main ways scabies are spread is by direct prolonged contact or coming into contact with an item that is infected. The mites reproduce on top of your skin, then burrow under to lay their eggs. The reason your body gets a rash and itchiness is because your immune system is reacting to the mites, their saliva, eggs and feces.